Episode 130

How to dress and style yourself for maximum influence | Joseph Rosenfeld

He got to the part in his pitch where he asked for the investment and they just laughed. When he spoke to his team afterwards, one of them said did you go in dressed like that?

Whether it's seeking investments, a date, respect, a job or something else, how we look affects how others see us and with a little awareness and effort, we can make sure we're putting our best Gucci loafer forward.

My guest Joseph Rosenfeld is a style advisor with years of experience in image consulting and personal branding. Modern Luxury Silicon Valley named him 'Best Personal Stylist' in 2020 and 2021. He's on a mission to help you maximise the power of your presence from the inside out and from head to toe.

In this episode:

  • Joseph's unusual influence and persuasion role model
  • Why appearance is the key to mastering your presence
  • How appearance is the prism people filter your gravitas from
  • Why personal style saved Joseph's life
  • How to get style right
  • How many get it wrong
  • The 3-part method to create a precise personal style

and more.

Visit JosephRosenfeld.com for more information about Joseph.

Remember to get your brand score from BrandFaceScore.com

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Welcome to the show.


My name's Johnny Ball.


This is speaking influence the show where we delve into the world of


influence and persuasion to help you develop your influence and build


authority in your industry and develop and master the skills of ethical


influence and persuasion to become a powerfully persuasive communicator.


We have had all kinds of guests on the show from people talking about


the psychology of influence and persuasion, talking about marketing.


Recently, we've been talking about branding and storytelling and so many


other things besides, that this is going to be a bit of a first on today's show


where we are talking about style now.


Maybe not complete fast.


We did have an episode a while back with Shelly Golden.


She was wonderful talking really about how to look good on Zoom, and that was great.


This is really talking about influence and style with somebody who has been


styling people in Silicon Valley, the tech startup entrepreneurs, the nerdy


geeky kind of guys who in his own profile,


and he says may struggle to be seen or taken seriously, they may have no


clue about how to dress themselves or have any kind of gravitas to their


looks, and sometimes may even struggle to get dates or even to get laid.


And it's understandable then that working with somebody on your personal


style and how you look can make a huge difference to how you are perceived


and therefore to your own ability to be able to influence and persuade.


These are the kinds of things that we get into on today's show.


Joseph Rosenfeld is a professional stylist


who has worked with many tech entrepreneurs and CEOs


and incredibly successful people to help them develop their own personal style.


He knows what he's talking about.


I connected with Joseph in a Clubhouse room.


Yes, clubhouse is still going, it's still happening and it can be


a great place to connect with and have conversations with people who


you may otherwise not get to meet.


That was how I met Dan French, who was on my episode, 100, professor in rhetoric.


I think you're going to enjoy this conversation.


I did a, it was fascinating for me really insightful, and I don't think I've ever


really heard anyone else talking about the style of influence and persuasion before.


So, hopefully it's a fairly unique conversation that


you get to listen to today.


So, i'm just going to leave it to you to enjoy the show


Welcome to Speaking Influence.


The show that helps you to master the psychology and application


of ethical influence and persuasion, in life and business.


With persuasive presentations and podcasting coach, Johnny Ball.


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Welcome to Speaking Influence today.


I've made a little bit more of an effort with my appearance


than I might otherwise do.


I've brushed my hair and my beard and everything because I am speaking to a


style advisor, someone who I've been really looking forward to speaking,


we actually connected on Clubhouse a while back, and I was just really


fascinated by his profile and pestered him and asked him to come on the show.


And he finally agreed.


And so I'm very happy to be welcoming Joseph Rosenfeld to the show.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Thank you so much for having me.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's great to be with you Johnny.


Joseph, one of the things that I've been most looking forward


to discussing, which I have never really discussed on the show before


is going to be around influence and persuasion and the looks of influence


and persuasion, style and impact of that.


Before we get to into all of that, though, I'd like to know for you,


who is somebody who you particularly, maybe look up to respect and admire for


that influence and persuasion and for what they've done with that, and why?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

This will probably be an unusual answer coming from me

Joseph Rosenfeld:

if you don't know me, but for people who are listening and watching who do

Joseph Rosenfeld:

this will not come as any surprise.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

That person to me is Stevie Nicks, the singer songwriter,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and front woman of Fleetwood Mac.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Her music saved my life as a child.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And when, so that's already, you know, like significant influence, if you can

Joseph Rosenfeld:

say that about another human being thing is way before anyone started talking

Joseph Rosenfeld:

about personal branding, I actually was studying her as a kid into my teenage

Joseph Rosenfeld:

years and throughout her life, my life.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And what I think is so fascinating is she looks like she sounds, and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

she looks like, she sounds like she sings and like she writes, so

Joseph Rosenfeld:

there's the lyrics or the poetry,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

there is how she sounds when she sings it, there's the intonation,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

there's the where she holds tone.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then there's this whole thing about how she looks.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And when you listen to the music where you see her in concert, or you look

Joseph Rosenfeld:

at her on a music video or in some other kind of performance, like a TV

Joseph Rosenfeld:

performance, the way she behaves, the way she shows up, creates a feeling.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I call it an aura in her case.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I, as the onlooker and the listener am taking all of this in, and I am treated to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

an entire experience that comes from her.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

She's probably the greatest teacher about image and branding that I've ever had.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that's kind of an unusual example.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

But someone that I could really study and follow and see evolution and at

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the same time, some kind of constancy and consistency about her over time.




it's not an answer I would have expected, but the way you explained


it completely makes sense.


And so, so that comes across very well and probably is a testament to her


really knowing herself that well, to be able to come through, like for her


personality and her authenticity to shine through in every aspect of what


she does, how she looks, how she sings, how she writes all of those things.


That is a very powerful thing.


So in terms of influence and persuasion, knowing yourself and having that come


through and communicated through all those aspects, that's incredibly powerful.


So a great example.


Thank you for sharing that.




I think it's important for us to have a bit of a foundation here in terms


of understanding what it is that you do, because you help a very particular


group of people with their fashion, with their style and their image.


And so maybe in this case, I don't always ask people for full information about


what they did, but in this case, I really want to dive into that a little bit,


because this is one of the things that made me really want to to speak to you.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I appreciate that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's nice to be stood out as someone who's a little different in that regard,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you know, everybody gets dressed.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

The question is, are we all paying attention to how we look in, in

Joseph Rosenfeld:

terms of how we use our minds and how we use our own likeness to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

communicate with other people.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so it's kind of ironic.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

You are dressed a certain way today and in a way, we're kind of mirroring

Joseph Rosenfeld:

each other, even with our colors.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I don't know.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It was like I was having a little kind of empathic sense of how I wanted to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

show up for you, because I know you on some level and have a sense that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you would show up looking as you do.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so we're both in plaid and I've even got a little rust color going on.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

That was like a last minute detail that I decided to do.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that kind of sensitivity is exactly the kind of work that, that I do as an

Joseph Rosenfeld:

image consultant and personal stylist.

Joseph Rosenfeld:


Joseph Rosenfeld:

I wear fashionable clothes and yes, I promote the idea of wearing

Joseph Rosenfeld:

current fashion for all my clientele.

Joseph Rosenfeld:


Joseph Rosenfeld:

isn't what I lead with.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Clothes are just tools in the toolbox to help us put on what we need to create

Joseph Rosenfeld:

more of a mood and more of a focus for ourselves so that we're able to better

Joseph Rosenfeld:

serve the needs of people around us.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that could be professionally, that could be in your family.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that could be in your community.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So I'm very interested in understanding who an individual is.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I have a process for doing that, where I study things around a person's

Joseph Rosenfeld:

coloring, not just the physical coloring that I call color DNA.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Like the color of your eyes, your body red, your slash hemoglobin the whites

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of your eyes and teeth, the color or colors of your hair, all of that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

But there are all the other colors that you can wear that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

support your whole energy.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I love studying a person through the uniqueness of their own color

Joseph Rosenfeld:

palette and understanding more about who a person is at their essence.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then I also love to study by a mind map, essentially, what a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

person's personal style is on the basis of how a person identifies

Joseph Rosenfeld:

with their own personality, qualities, traits, and characteristics, and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

how they envision that they would like to grow and develop further.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So it's not merely a snapshot of, I am statements that are in the present moment.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

They are, I want to be, or I need to be more statements

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that address the future self.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Then what I love to do is take the current fashion, see it as being on the leading

Joseph Rosenfeld:

edge of the future, and then helping somebody to not see current fashion as a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

trend, but as a signature of the self that marries the now and the later and putting

Joseph Rosenfeld:

all of that into now so that a person can achieve can have the look that they are

Joseph Rosenfeld:

on the verge of achieving the success that they envisioned for themselves

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and that they can do that right now.


That's a very powerful thing.


And what first really, really made me want to reach out to you was


seeing your clubhouse profile.


I mean, you were speaking in a clubhouse room.


I think it was with Bob Burg.


The the guy from I'm forgetting what his, his stuff is called now.


Go Giver a, yeah.


So it was in a room with him and he was speaking in the room and I checked out


your profiles, like, oh, So interesting.


And, and there was a lot of fun in how you describe yourself as well.


It was certainly your character came through in your profile.


I think a lot of people find that I see a lot of profiles


where there's no real character.


There it's just a description, but you had some funds and characters, some


personality coming through in that as well about what you do and who you


help, particularly in round working with people in a Silicon valley, kind of


area and people who might be discarded otherwise as geeks or nerds who


struggle with style and the major maybe will struggle with things like


getting dates and stuff like that.


And these are particularly people who you often work with and help too.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

That's absolutely true.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it's a wonderful working with these kinds of folks.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Because in a way they emancipated me from being someone who had

Joseph Rosenfeld:

a very good career in high-end retail in my Chicago days, which is

Joseph Rosenfeld:

where I began all of this journey.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I was always pretty geeky myself and working with fellow

Joseph Rosenfeld:

geeks really helped me to geek out.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Lots of times people are really interested in the bottom line result, geeks are not

Joseph Rosenfeld:

necessarily any different about that, but they're so interested in the process.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so even when I'm, you know, close to or about to onboard new clients, they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

always want to know how does this work?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's like they want a little pre work proof that the process is solid.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that even if the process is that I will do a lot of this work for you

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and I will hold your hand and I will make it feel safe and comfortable

Joseph Rosenfeld:

for you to evolve your look, they all want to know about the process.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I'm very much about the process as an experience, as a journey to take that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

it can be Presto Changeux.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

But also people want to be able to go through what that experience is like.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I like to be able to work at the pace of my client, not at the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

speed of light that I can work at because I'm in my zone of genius.

Joseph Rosenfeld:


Joseph Rosenfeld:

So it's pretty cool working with folks like that, who you think also with geeks,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

especially in the technology sector, that their brains are also functioning

Joseph Rosenfeld:

at a very high and fast level because they're also in their zone of genius.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So it's interesting to see them fall back away from that because when they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

come to me for help and guidance, it is because they are not so strong

Joseph Rosenfeld:

in this area, but I can teach them how, and then they loved that part.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

In the end, the point I want to make about this Johnny is that it's one thing to buy

Joseph Rosenfeld:

a wardrobe of clothes, but it's another to own the look because when you buy the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

clothes and they hang in the closet, you go to put them on knowing how to put them

Joseph Rosenfeld:

together, how to put pieces of clothes together to make an outfit, and then to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

be able to walk out of your house and to go to a meeting or to sit down on a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

zoom call or you know, whatever being able to do that with ease and confidence

Joseph Rosenfeld:

is what every human being deserves.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And most people really do dream of that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's a real deep desire.




It's to say it can be a very transformational experience, not just


in how people live, but of course it can definitely affect how people feel,


their own confidence and probably more things besides, and I wonder what you


mainly notice in the transformation that you tend to see with your clients?


Do you see there?


It's not just having a look too, but what you really see as being


the main difference that they experience working with you?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I find that people have more gravitas overall, which is

Joseph Rosenfeld:

one of my favorite things to talk about.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Which really means that when they show up for other people and even for themselves,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that they take themselves seriously in the moment, even when the moment is

Joseph Rosenfeld:

about having fun is about socializing is about going out on dates going out

Joseph Rosenfeld:

with a spouse on a date night out.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

All of that is about really having respect for the moment, which

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think is an extension of what gravitas is really all about.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

But I also think is very important through all of this

Joseph Rosenfeld:

is that this is an environment.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

What we each wear is an environment.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And if all the thinking that we do and all the creating that we do emanates

Joseph Rosenfeld:

from within the container of the body, I think that fashioning the container

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of the body with amazing looking style

Joseph Rosenfeld:

helps a person to show up for all of these moments and they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

get more out of life as a result.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So I have worked with executives who were in the C-suite, who wanted

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to elevate up and up and up and up.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And while doing that, we're also interested in developing their leadership

Joseph Rosenfeld:

profile, in building the company

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and making more money for the company and, you know, serving the stockholders

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and the employees and all of that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And certainly of course, about self-enrichment.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So I've seen that happen.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I've seen people go from being single and not feeling good about going

Joseph Rosenfeld:

out on dates to becoming engaged and getting married to people who they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Didn't even know before they started working with me and to in short order

Joseph Rosenfeld:

felt transformed and confident enough to be able to make those approaches.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I've have several clients who've gotten married under my watch.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And one even asked me to officiate their wedding.


Oh, wow.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

There are a lot of, you know, I've seen a lot of different

Joseph Rosenfeld:

things over, over all the years of my work, and I've certainly helped people

Joseph Rosenfeld:

who felt like they should lose weight, but really needed to earn a living,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

not wait to lose the weight before they were ready to absolutely go after

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what they really wanted to do and what they needed was confidence in

Joseph Rosenfeld:

themselves, and a way of being able to look at themselves in a way where they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

felt self-contained where they felt

Joseph Rosenfeld:

self-controlled and how that could turn around for other people and say, yeah,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I really want to do business with you.


That's fantastic.


I mean, you really are helping people to dress for success in a very real way.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It is not just a by the book statement and I've taken that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

idea a little bit further to tell my clients dress for the life you want.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Not for the life you have, because.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

In today's day and age, most of us are working wonky, crazy hours.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Our work life and our personal life becomes so intermixed or socializing with

Joseph Rosenfeld:

people that we associate in business.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And yet we also, and we hopefully are doing these things

Joseph Rosenfeld:

because it's all enjoyable.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's not transactional.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's about creating relationships with people.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And sometimes I have even found quite frankly, that some of the most

Joseph Rosenfeld:

transactional people I know get into having better relationships and it

Joseph Rosenfeld:

creates greater balance in life because the relationship creates the transaction.


To me, it makes a lot of sense in a lot of the work that I've done over


years of coaching and training, that the journeys of personal transformation


that I've worked on with clients over that time, a lot of it's about


stepping into who they really want to become, not waiting until this is


there or that's there, but being there.


And you've alluded to that already, that you are helping people dress for that.


And I think that is a big part of it because looking the part is is a big deal.


It's important to us.


We are generally very visual people.


If you look that and you feel that in yourself, then that is pushing you really


to elevate yourself to step your game up and to show up as that kind of person


who you already want to be to actually be that, not like faking it, but actually


elevating yourself to live up to that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Yes, of course.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And think about this.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Some things that I'm working on now are I'm working with trial teams to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

help them tip the scale at trial, in their favor ethically by helping

Joseph Rosenfeld:

people show up to address a jury in a courtroom, a judge in a courtroom.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It could be for a hearing that happens before trial could be for

Joseph Rosenfeld:

a deposition even before trial.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Some kind of potential settlement negotiation before trial.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then if things do get to trial and they are in front of

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the jury, All things being equal.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If you've got, a set of hot shot lawyers on one side and a set of

Joseph Rosenfeld:

hot shot lawyers on another side.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Hot shot meaning they're a high profile, very smart well-educated

Joseph Rosenfeld:

top of their game, who is showing up and basically looking more relatable

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to the story that they need to tell

Joseph Rosenfeld:

at the time of whatever these meetings or encounters are either outside or

Joseph Rosenfeld:

inside of a courtroom, we're always so even for the non-lawyers, well, all

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of us are, you know, telling stories.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

The stakes are super high in the case of these corporate trials

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that I get involved in now.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I want people to be able to tell

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the best story that they can, because it's absolutely part of how they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

best prosecute the case or defend themselves against an accusation that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they feel they can prove otherwise.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So all of us are in the position of not necessarily prosecuting

Joseph Rosenfeld:

or defending ourselves.

Joseph Rosenfeld:


Joseph Rosenfeld:

Even when we want to support another human being, to be able to show

Joseph Rosenfeld:

up and be supportive of a person, requires a certain kind of a look.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

As a leader, to be able to demonstrate a certain kind of confidence in the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

team or in one's own self, as the leader pay attention, to me requires a certain

Joseph Rosenfeld:

kind of a look someone who is running some other kind of an organization,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

maybe a service organization needs to show up yet a different kind of

Joseph Rosenfeld:

way, all different scenarios require

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that we be true and genuine, authentic to ourselves, whatever word you like.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that's a little series of ideas.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And yet you can't be you and ignore the audience or your

Joseph Rosenfeld:

purpose for being in front of them.



Joseph Rosenfeld:

All of that comes into play.


You mentioned one of my favorite words earlier, which is gravitas.


And I can certainly understand how you look has an impact on your gravitas


on people taking you seriously on being able to command the room


and command respect from people.


How do you start that journey with somebody or maybe they


feel like they don't have that.


They may be identifying as geeky and nerdy and not feeling that they have the


respect to people that people just look at them and maybe think like, you're just


a, you're just a nerd, you're just a geek, how do you start that journey with them?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Well, as I mentioned by doing my profile sessions

Joseph Rosenfeld:

around color and style, I get to learn a lot about a person because

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they're teaching me one part of it.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I'm really doing a lot of the studying because most people

Joseph Rosenfeld:

have trouble with color.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If I ask a series of people to tell me what color eyes they have, oftentimes

Joseph Rosenfeld:

most of the people in that sample grouping will be incorrect.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So I use what I see with my vision to know somebody from that level, but when

Joseph Rosenfeld:

it comes to personality, I don't want to judge or even evaluate with my own eyes.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

What I observe about somebody, because not only may I be wrong.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the way that that person presents themselves to me and the way

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they are, therefore presenting themselves to the world, writ large

Joseph Rosenfeld:

may very well be incorrect because they don't know any better yet.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So when I study a person and they teach me who they say they are and who

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they want to be, we're on the honor system, the honor that they are teaching

Joseph Rosenfeld:

me what they know about themselves.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Without any interference as best they can.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then for me to honor what they tell me about themselves.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so when I learn that and I'm listening to someone, I hear their

Joseph Rosenfeld:

voice, I listen to their vocabulary.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I have a deeper sense of understanding of who a person is.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

When I then go out and say, okay, here is a set of clothing, that is

Joseph Rosenfeld:

for the purpose that you engage me.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Whether it's a trial or someone is elevating positions or are going out

Joseph Rosenfeld:

on dates or whatever the situation is, I then want them to try things on and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

tell me how they are embodying the look.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I have with this process, a very precise way of selecting almost well, it's

Joseph Rosenfeld:

over 95% accurate what people should have on their bodies that help them communicate

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to themselves and to other people.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think in the end that communicates gravitas to that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to the, where to my client.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it also really helps the people around them see that they put

Joseph Rosenfeld:

intentionality in that they put some kind of effort in to how they're showing up.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So when they're thinking about how they want to portray themselves, And

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they're even thinking, well, what is this conversation going to be like,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what is this meeting going to be like, what would I like to put into it?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

What would I like to get out of it?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So it's a win-win for that person, and the others involved that to

Joseph Rosenfeld:

me, shows a sense of deference that shows a sense of respect.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it shows a sense of, again, that intentionality puts people, the person,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the individual that I'm working with in the position of really thinking in

Joseph Rosenfeld:

terms of outcomes and that speaks to what gravitas really is overall makes a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

person feel good about what they're doing.


you're an expert in what you do and you've been doing it for some time.


Do you find that you have some natural intuition towards this, or do you try and


suppress that and go through this process so that you don't perhaps bias your ideas


into the, into what they really want?



Joseph Rosenfeld:

Yeah I don't like to bias myself.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

In fact, there's a reason why I do my color profile before I do the style

Joseph Rosenfeld:

profile, because the style profile could bias my eyes if I realize, oh,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they belong to, you know, this look or this look or this look, which I

Joseph Rosenfeld:

know has to do with a certain range or ranges of different kinds of color.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I start out organically and let that happen and then let them do

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the next part second and everything always reconciles beautifully.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I've never had something that was discordant.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that speaks to your topic around bias or your question around bias

Joseph Rosenfeld:

because I really don't want to prejudge anybody, even though I have

Joseph Rosenfeld:

absolutely in natural intuition that after over 30 years of working with

Joseph Rosenfeld:

folks on their personal style and image and dressing them means that I would

Joseph Rosenfeld:

be foolish to think that I know at all.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I only know that the more I keep working, the more I keep learning.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I let my clients be the teacher often.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I get to be the humble student who studies them because there's only one

Joseph Rosenfeld:

them, there's only one that person.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I want to really Revere and respect their individuality so that I

Joseph Rosenfeld:

can help them properly strategize the way they should visually communicate.


But that certainly makes for a very unique experience.


Then each time that you work with somebody with really nothing being


prescriptive is like, they are guiding you to where you go with them.


And so what kind of recommendations that you have for them?


So I definitely like the sound of that.


I do wonder there are, are there some particular style points in


your mind that do reflect back gravitas that we talked about?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

if a person should show up wearing tailored clothing,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

like a suit or a sport coat, even knowing whether a sport coat for a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

guy and a pair of slacks is the right look versus a suit that matters.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

The shape of the lapel could even matter, but that's based on a person's

Joseph Rosenfeld:

personality to my way of seeing it.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

For ladies,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I . Think if a woman feels really good in a dress and yet maybe she is also in

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what is still considered, unfortunately, somewhat a man's world or a man's role.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I wouldn't necessarily want her to show up, trying to look

Joseph Rosenfeld:

like a dude in the suiting.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If what really suits her best is a dress.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Sometimes the level of formality has to switch to meet one's own needs, right?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Because every one of us has to have our needs met.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And we have to be able to show up in this right way for the role

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that we're playing at that time.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I hope that that's a good answer.


Yeah, I think so.


I was just thinking that I used to be cabin crew for an airline and most


of the time that I was cabin crew, I would work in the first class cabin.


And you would often see particular.


Particular ways of dressing and also some in particular ways that people


would hold themselves, you would nearly always get in that sense.


I mean, obviously with celebrities, you already know who they are, but that


you would nearly always get that sense.


And you would know straight away if somebody was in first class,


he wasn't used to being there.


And, and those sorts of things, you would, you would see that.


So you do pick up on those things, but I do think we are very


visual people.


And we do tend to make judgements very quickly on people based on how


they look and what we interpret, what perhaps are the, if we don't, if


we're a bit clueless on this, like, I consider myself to be completely


clueless on fashion, but I'm also not particularly in, into this as well.


It's not something I've spent that much time on.


I just try to pick stuff up that I like.


But if I were wanting to increase my own level of gravitas or for


anyone who may be listening to this.


Well, where could I start?


That would help me to turn things up to a high level.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If you could do nothing more than take the true

Joseph Rosenfeld:

body coloring that you have on your head, your hair, your eye color.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And if you have multi-tone hair, like you have it in your beard as do I by the way.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And even if you can tell that your eyes might be able to twist in

Joseph Rosenfeld:

color a little bit, some people with blue eyes can actually

Joseph Rosenfeld:

pivot them into something a little bit green.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

When you hold up something turquoise or something in that neighborhood

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of color can also manipulate the eye to become a little bit greener.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If you do a little bit of testing around like that, and you repeat those exact

Joseph Rosenfeld:

types of colors on your physical body,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you're automatically creating a kind of elegance even without having

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to put on formal looking clothes.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

The other thing I would say is that if you really want to look a little bit more

Joseph Rosenfeld:

polished avoid wearing so much pattern and go into things that are more solid.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And if you want to look a little bit softer while you

Joseph Rosenfeld:

do that, choose one accessory.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Try to keep things to a minimum where you create a focal point where the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

objective is that the focal point really comes back up to your face.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

All of this creates a kind of visual balance that onlookers are striving for.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that kind of visual balance creates a look of attraction.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I don't mean hot,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

sexy attraction it's that there can be this sense of stylish attraction that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

creates curiosity in the onlooker if in the onlookers eyes, so that when

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they are gazing upon you, they're kind of interested and curious about you.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And you showing up using your own physical likeness to create a pallet of color,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

if you will can help you to show up in a way that is natural to who you are and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that people are already tapping into.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I have to say it like this.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Johnny people have a sense of feeling about us based on the way we look, call

Joseph Rosenfeld:

it a judgment in evaluation, any of that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

People have a feeling that flows through us faster than the fluency

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that we might have to understand it.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So we are all living in society.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

We are all creatures of learning about things like color psychology, but most

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of us don't have the fluent language that I have to be able to describe

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what a person is sensing what a person is feeling when they see color.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

What I'm saying is that when you put on in your case, maybe a gray,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

because you've got gray in your hair, you've got gray in your beard.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

You're showing up to somebody as someone who is a quiet listener,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that wants to like absorb and learn and you are kind of that way.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so what I'm saying is people who know you well already know that about you.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so you're really branding your apparel, your style

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to who you actually are.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

There's nothing discordant there.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then what that does is it creates more believability it reverberates

Joseph Rosenfeld:

into the people that you're hanging out with and they might have to get at

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you a little bit to say, Hey, can can you add something to this conversation?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that's a really wonderful way for people to recognize you, but they

Joseph Rosenfeld:

don't necessarily know with fluency of language, why that's happening.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

They have a feeling that's faster than that fluency, and that is how

Joseph Rosenfeld:

color and style play roles in our lives that are like super important.




Now I know you can't really discuss who your clients are that you work with.


Probably for obvious reasons.


They may not appreciate it, but.


I wonder from you, if we can get maybe a sense of some of the people


who are maybe in public life, who you see getting it right.


May have male and female alike in terms of their style and


their, the gravitas with that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

As a female example, I think Christine Lagarde does an

Joseph Rosenfeld:

incredibly great job with her style.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that she shows up with pitch perfect gravitas in her role.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I have great respect for how she shows up and how she shows not

Joseph Rosenfeld:

just great impeccable style, but a kind of deference for other global

Joseph Rosenfeld:

leaders with whom she meets and for citizens of the European union who,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

her work impacts on a daily basis.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so I think that she does very well.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think that Jeff Bezos also shows up very well from a male's perspective.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

He's worked a lot on his body over the years.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

He's definitely buffed up and seems to me he really fancies a lot of Brunello

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Cucinelli although not exclusively.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that the clothes really suit him very well.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

He's morphed beyond being kind of a retail tech guy because now with Amazon

Joseph Rosenfeld:

studios and things of this nature and Amazon going to space and all these

Joseph Rosenfeld:

ventures of his he really has developed a look that looks modern and doesn't look

Joseph Rosenfeld:

like the sales guy from Seattle anymore.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that it also even supersedes his abundant wealth.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

There is a look about him that makes him look nimble because of

Joseph Rosenfeld:

how well-fitted his clothing is.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

You could almost look at him in a suit and think, wow, he could

Joseph Rosenfeld:

practically go running in that thing.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that's really true for who he is just looking at

Joseph Rosenfeld:

him from the outside, looking in, he appears to have that kind of,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

that kind of quickness in all ways and the way that he shows up enhances that.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Now of course, there are also people who look at all of that and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

probably see that and think, well, you know, that's not so great.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think that those are just some of the naysayers who just

Joseph Rosenfeld:

don't like him or whatever.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So there's always, I say, when you have haters, which when you're at that level

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of wealth or that level of infamy you're on, but people are paying attention.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

That's the thing.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that if, when you're in control of the message, which he is,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

which Christine Legarde is, we're all in control of the messages that we deliver.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think both of them really get the message right.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And they deliver.






I think it's probably a good thing that the people are going


to support and like what these people do and people who aren't.


Suggest that they're not trying to please everybody and that they know


themselves well enough as well to know what they want and that the supporters


of welcome along and detractors as well,


it's just part of life.


I wonder, I don't want to, it would be unfair to ask if there are examples of


people getting wrong, but I do wonder if there are some particular style faux


pas that you see quite commonly that you think would be better to be avoided?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Well, I think, generally speaking, and this is a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

little bit more of a mind thing than necessarily hard visual examples.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I do think that there is an issue around people showing up

Joseph Rosenfeld:

as the lowest common denominator.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Say you're a person who got a ticket and needed to go to court to the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

ticket and you show up with respect for the court and get dressed up

Joseph Rosenfeld:

nicely, whatever that is for you.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then you're there and you see a whole bunch of other people who are

Joseph Rosenfeld:

showing up who are wearing jeans that are like exposing their tush with their

Joseph Rosenfeld:

underwear exposed and, people who are just showing up looking disrespectful.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I've been hearing for people who have been telling me about their situations

Joseph Rosenfeld:

like this, where they say, gosh, I almost really feel like I overdressed and I have

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to say in response, why would you let the lowest common denominator drag you down?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

You should really raise the standard by being exactly who

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you are and how you showed up.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Why are we having a moment in society where we're looking at things as though

Joseph Rosenfeld:

we should tone down and as a result of an example like that, I think that people

Joseph Rosenfeld:

show up looking too laid back too casual.



Joseph Rosenfeld:

know, my idea of casual as a definition is that you're

Joseph Rosenfeld:

leaving something to chance when the stakes are high in your life,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

do you really want to leave things to chance?


Not specifically.






So out of my own curiosity, someone that comes in and wants to work with you and


you have a avatar, I suppose of people who you'd like to work with particularly.


How long does that process generally go on for?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Well, the engagement can go pretty quickly.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

In a matter of hours, I can get to know all the things that I need to know.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

In order to go out and then build a wardrobe, which then

Joseph Rosenfeld:

takes me the time it takes me.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then it takes time to present the client where it's a

Joseph Rosenfeld:

lesson on here's what's for you,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and here's why.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Try it on.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Let's discuss, make some decisions and then let's go in for alterations and.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

You know, Presto chango.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So now you have your stuff and I photograph all the outfit combinations

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and that way on someone's iPhone, for example, we just have something to share

Joseph Rosenfeld:

between that client and me private album, where it's like I'm in their pocket when

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they don't know what to wear, all they have to do is go to their phone and say,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

okay, this is how I assemble an outfit.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And when something comes up where they say, I need to be particularly extra

Joseph Rosenfeld:

intentional today, not only do I have great ensembles that I can put together

Joseph Rosenfeld:

now, but when I'm going to be in this situation and meeting with this person,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and this is what I want to say, and this is what I want to have as the outcome

Joseph Rosenfeld:

of the day, knowing Joseph, what I have, what would you tell me to wear?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I would say, okay, client, this is what you should put on.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it works.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So a lot of this can go pretty quickly in terms of an initial engagement.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And then what's lovely is that I have clients that have

Joseph Rosenfeld:

worked with me for years.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And that's because they really appreciate the relationship and

Joseph Rosenfeld:

they know that someone is there as their trusted advisor to help

Joseph Rosenfeld:

make sure that they do things well.


Yeah, and that's pretty important.


I feel I've learned a lot from you here.


And I know that we have to start moving towards wrapping things


up, but it's.


Honestly fascinating.


And I'm so happy that we've got to have this conversation and I'm also sure.


I'll probably think of a thousand more questions that I wish I'd


asked after we finished speaking.


But with everything that we learned today this show being all about


influence and persuasion, I have to ask you for you, what is your own


greatest strength around influence and persuasion that if you had a superpower


around influence and persuasion, what would you describe that as being?

Joseph Rosenfeld:


Joseph Rosenfeld:

I want to be able to put myself in someone else's shoes.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so I want to stop and listen.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And learn and feel and be with another person on their journey and understand

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what it is that they're coming from and where they want to go to.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I love being that support person who stays discretely in the

Joseph Rosenfeld:

background, advising and guiding, and sometimes mentoring my clients

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and helping them see how they can be

Joseph Rosenfeld:

the greatest sense of self for themselves.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And those around them makes me so happy.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it all happens from empathy.


Well, given the way you described your process of working


with people, that makes perfect sense.


Let me ask you this.


Then I always ask my guests for a book recommendation.


I know I forewarned for this as well.


You can give more than one if you would like to, but if you


were going to recommend the book, it could be to do with looks,


it could be to do with influence, it could really be anything that you think


would be impactful for people, maybe something that you've really liked.


What would be your recommendation?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Well, a book that I'm reading right now is called The Big Leap.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think it's very powerful.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

What I'm reading no matter how many things I've read, I continue

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to delve further into things.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think a lot of people have already read that book and I feel

Joseph Rosenfeld:

like I'm later to coming to it.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

If you've read it, it be great to reread.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I think it would be one of those books I would reread

Joseph Rosenfeld:

after I've completed reading it.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Now another book that I really love is about StrengthsFinder.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And there's actually a a self-evaluation that you can take.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

That's part of the whole thing that Gallup the polling company operates.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I love it because,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

despite the fact that I'm an image consultant and personal stylist in order

Joseph Rosenfeld:

to really style someone for their brand, it's really important to understand

Joseph Rosenfeld:

what your brand strengths really are.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so to be able to learn, not necessarily from people around

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you, which your reputation creates your brand, but to know what

Joseph Rosenfeld:

you see in yourself are your own brand strengths is a beginning point

Joseph Rosenfeld:

and a very important, crucial point.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Not even just a beginning point, it's like a center point of understanding

Joseph Rosenfeld:

who you are so that you can telegraph that information out to other people,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

so that they're getting that right.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

So you can't have

Joseph Rosenfeld:

style without the substance.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I think that that is a substantive piece of work StrengthsFinder.


I went and took that test.


After the last time we spoke a few months back and I find it


very useful, very insightful.


In fact, even after this conversation, I feel like we need to go and


revisit my results from that, just to remind myself of what came up.


But yeah, I think it was a great recommendation.


I appreciate that.


If anyone who's tuning in things, they would like to learn more about you maybe


even come and work with you, what would be the best way for them to find out more?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Well, I would encourage you to check out my website,

Joseph Rosenfeld:

which is Joseph rosenfeld.com.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Connect with me on LinkedIn.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I'm also, find-able there as well.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

On my website, I have a number of complimentary reports that

Joseph Rosenfeld:

are available for download.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And I'm also available to have complimentary 30 minute consultation

Joseph Rosenfeld:

conversation, no obligation.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I just like to learn about what people are doing with themselves and what makes them

Joseph Rosenfeld:

interested in developing their personal style and seeing if we're a right fit?




All of the links to connect review and for the books you've mentioned as well, that


would all be in the show notes for anyone who would like to go and check those out.


I will be taking a good look around myself as we do wrap things up.


Let me ask you, I mean, there's a lot of value in this particular episode.


I think a lot of things that I will be going back and revisiting


and making notes on because you shared some really great insights.


If there was just one thing above everything else that you heart people will


take away from our conversation today.


What do you hope that would be?

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I would like for you to know that style is not a surface

Joseph Rosenfeld:

game, that you can transform yourself by addressing the way you look.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And so that people will get to know more about who you are from the inside out.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

I literally saved my life on this premise as a teenager, and by

Joseph Rosenfeld:

discovering the power of personal style.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And for me, it's like breathing because it's what I do.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

And it gave me a second chance at life.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

But I also know that for you, personal style has its own power to help other

Joseph Rosenfeld:

people get the best out of you and for you to give others your best.




That's a great message to finish on Joseph Rosenfeld, I really appreciate


everything you shared with us today.


It's been a wonderful conversation.


Thank you so much for coming and being a guest on Speaking Influence.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

Thank you for having me.

Joseph Rosenfeld:

It's my honor.


What can I tell you?


I knew that was going to be a good show.


I hope you enjoyed it as well.


It was very interesting and exciting to be exploring style as it relates


to influence and persuasion.


And I hope that you have taken away some useful learning and ideas from


this conversation, as much as I have certainly taken away some new


knowledge and information, and I will be considering my own personal


style in some new and different ways.


Do remember to go and check out Joseph's website, if you would like to know


more and actually have a consultation with him about your own personal style.


And of course do check out our sponsors Brand Face as they are currently


offering a special promotion to give you a branding score, to help you


figure out if your brand is being seen and received in the right way,


by your ideal customer.


Well worth taking them up on that opportunity.


I have a video on my YouTube site all about how that process works.


It's very, very easy.


And of course you can go and visit brand face score.com and


find out your brand score today.


Coming up on the show pretty soon.


Well, I'm excited to say that we are getting confirmation of


having Chris Ducker coming on the show soon at some point.


I have recently recorded an episode with Alex Sanfilippo


from Podmatch and Pod Pros.


And that was an amazing conversation, as well as some


other incredible guests coming up.


So do you make sure you are subscribed and tuned in for those?


We don't charge anything for this show.


And we only ask that if you've got some value from it, if you've enjoyed


the show and find it useful, please share it out with your network.


It`s what helps us to grow and keep growing.


And always, we welcome honest reviews.


If you would like to leave an honest review for the show, either on Apple


Podcasts on Spotify or on Pod Chaser, then I will read out your review on the show.


You will get a shout-out on the show.


Good or bad.


I will read out your reviews.


And unless they're offensive, of course, in which case I'll keep them to myself.


But I would love to hear what your opinions are on the show.


And of course, if you would like to be a guest or you have some ideas about


who would be a great guest for the show,


Please get in touch with me.


Contact me on Twitter @Johnaball.


Or contact me on LinkedIn, John Alexander Ball on LinkedIn, or look


for my company, Present Influence.


Wherever you're going wherever you are doing.


Have an amazing rest of your day.


Thanks for taking some time with us.

About the Podcast

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Present Influence
The podcast that helps professional communicators learn the skills that increase influence, impact and authority.

About your host

Profile picture for John Ball

John Ball

From former flight attendant to international coach and trainer, on to podcaster and persuasion expert, it's been quite the journey for John.
John has been a lead coach and trainer with the Harv Eker organisation for over 10 years and is currently focused on helping his clients develop their personal presentation skills for media and speaking stages through his coaching business brand Present Influence.
He's the author of the upcoming book Podfluence: How To Build Professional Authority With Podcasts, and host of the Podfluence podcast with over 150 episodes and over 15,000 downloads John is now focused on helping business coaches and speakers to build a following and grow your lead flow and charisma.
You can now also listen to John on The Coaching Clinic podcast with his good friend and colleague Angie Besignano where they are helping coaches create sustainable and successful businesses, and the Try To Stand Up podcast where John is on a personal and professional mission to become funnier on the stage and in his communication.

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