Episode 145

What you really need to know to be effective in sales and what to do if you mess up | Rob Elliott

Whatever business you are in, you're in the business of sales and marketing. There's no way around it. You may have the best product, service, keynote or program in the world but if no one knows about it, what good is it?

I used to work for a personal development company that would often invite audiences to ponder on the value of one great idea. I was never very happy with that, something just didn't feel right about it. Is an idea valuable? Only if you do something with it.

In the personal & professional development world, there are many people who are great speakers, coaches, trainers and more but the world doesn't know who they are. Why not? Because they don't know how to market themselves and they don't know how to sell.

Rob Elliott is a sales coach, a keynote speaker and a podcaster who knows a lot about sales. It was his bread and butter for many years and he realised very quickly how bad most people are at it and often how fearful people are when they hear the word sales or salesperson.

There is not a professional person on the planet who could not benefit from being better at sales skills and understanding more the processes and principles of selling, whether to individuals, businesses or large audiences. If you recognise that for yourself, then pay attention to Rob in this episode as he shares insights and ideas. You may well want to check out his book The Sales Chain https://amzn.to/3GWGn64 or his podcast The Real Journeys of Success.

In this episode:

  • Learn the emotional resource anchor for sales
  • The importance of confidence in sales situations
  • Why sales require practice
  • Making a good first impression
  • The most important skill to master in sales
  • How to recover from a bad first impression or mistake
  • Overcoming sales awkwardness
  • Why a sales coach started a podcast and more...

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Welcome to the show.


My name's Johnny Ball.


This is Speaking Influence at least for a few weeks longer because on the 1st of


as Podfluence and we will certainly still be having a very strong focus on


much more on how that applies to the world of podcasting, both as a host,


So we are going to be really there to help business owners like coaches,


People who have personal brand businesses.


I want to become more known for what they do, who want to build


But we will still be having experts on influence and persuasion in other areas


generally to improve our own charisma our own influence our own persuasive skills


So whilst things will be changing, they won't be changing dramatically,


So I hope you'll stick with us for that.


You don't need to do anything, just stay on this channel.


You'll notice everything will update as Podfluence in July, and you'll notice


I've already been recording some amazing shows with some fantastic people.


And I know you're going to love that, but we're going to be having more solo shows,


So in the lead up to that, I want to introduce you to Rob Elliot.


Who's my guest on this show today.


And Rob is a sales trainer and an excellent one at that.


Now what Rob didn't know when we were having our conversation


So he wasn't performing at his best, but I think you'll agree after you get to


particularly things like how to overcome a bad first impression, but also how to make


And some of the basic sales skills that people just don't get taught


Rob does have a book out and we'll talk about that, but we're also


You're going to love this conversation.


I hope as much as I did, if you're not already subscribed to the show,


And if you haven't left us a review or shared the show with your friends and


If you have your device in your hand, right now, maybe give us a four or


If that's where you're listening to us, because it's going to make me feel good.


And if you leave me a great review, I'm going to read it out on the show as well.


You'll get a shout-out on Speaking Influence or maybe on


So what I want to do now is leave you to enjoy this conversation


Speaking Influence.


And today we are going to be having an interesting conversation about sales


favorite topics, and we have an expert on the subject, with us to help us


Welcome to the show Rob.

Rob Elliott:

G'day mate.

Rob Elliott:

How are ya?.


I'm great.


Thank you.


I've just had come home, just come back from a weekend of celebrations


So I'm, I'm ready to take on the world right now.


How are you?

Rob Elliott:

Mate, we're the same over here in Australia.

Rob Elliott:

We've we've had an awesome few weeks here and we're ready to rock.


That's great news.




I like to get things started by asking my guests about who is someone for you,

Rob Elliott:

I'd look, if I think about it, there was a gentleman in

Rob Elliott:

He wrote, he raced across America and didn't realize at the time he

Rob Elliott:

He's been a politician.

Rob Elliott:

He was the one that actually taught me how to public speak.

Rob Elliott:

This this guy is amazing.

Rob Elliott:

He doesn't take no, even when other people wouldn't do it.

Rob Elliott:

And he uses these days he uses his influence for

Rob Elliott:

But the one thing I loved about him was you and I would never run from

Rob Elliott:

He ran around Australia twice.

Rob Elliott:

I mean, really, but he wanted to bring the nation.

Rob Elliott:

So he's one of those truly unique individuals that doesn't do it for money.

Rob Elliott:

Doesn't do it for his own personal good.

Rob Elliott:

He just loves to inspire people.

Rob Elliott:

And he's a personal friend of mine, but he also taught me so much about

Rob Elliott:

parachute and see what happens.


Well, that's a great example of somebody to look up to and for


Well, describe, describe your professional life for us, cause you do a few different.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

look, I'm a podcaster, just like you, but I do sales and business coaching.

Rob Elliott:

Now that's not mentoring.

Rob Elliott:

A sales and business coach gets the answers out of the

Rob Elliott:

About 90% of people have the answers within.

Rob Elliott:

Some of them just need a process to help them get along the way someone just need

Rob Elliott:

And I merge that in with public speaking and people say, well, you

Rob Elliott:

Of course, every time you walk into a business, every time you're

Rob Elliott:

So I love getting people who are in their own admission, terrible public

Rob Elliott:

showing them how to come across as really, really good, because people

Rob Elliott:

The same time with sales, you know, anyone can sell and everyone is in sales.

Rob Elliott:

Not everyone sells, but everyone in every part of a business businesses in sales.

Rob Elliott:

so sometimes a business owner or a manager just needs a little bit of

Rob Elliott:

out where and what we call the sales chain, it's falling down so we can get




And these, these are important messages that I feel like I'm part of that mission


communication skills are, and to really see the bigger picture when it comes


You are part of a professional system, especially when you're in a business


But those are, those are great things to be working on.


And so I know one of the things that I really wanted to talk


A bit later, but we had a chat a while back.


And one of the things I wanted to get started with something that


Because talk about you, you mentioned someone about wanting to get up on


front of a of people, you know, you mentioned public speaking and people


How do you become confident in that kind of situation?


Where either you're walking into a room to present to people or you're getting

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

Well, the first thing I say to people is be just be, you don't try to be

Rob Elliott:

Just be you.

Rob Elliott:

Cause then you don't have to worry about it.

Rob Elliott:

You're not, don't fake it because people will pick up.

Rob Elliott:

If you you're not who you are.

Rob Elliott:

I mean, we call it in Australia, the bullshit meter and within 30

Rob Elliott:

He's full of rubbish, he doesn't know what he's talking about when it

Rob Elliott:

There's two things I say to people.

Rob Elliott:

If you're going to do an important presentation and you're a sales

Rob Elliott:

The day before or the morning of go there without them seeing you, see

Rob Elliott:

So you're not getting caught out.

Rob Elliott:

It's so important to be comfortable when you walk in, when it comes to

Rob Elliott:

of people, you're going to address a business meeting or a whole group going

Rob Elliott:

And have a look around, I call it walking the call.

Rob Elliott:

It's an old sales term where you walk around the outside of a business.

Rob Elliott:

You talk to people before you walk in, so you know, the business,

Rob Elliott:

One of the most important things I got told in public speaking is get

Rob Elliott:

and walk on the stage, walk where you're going to speak.

Rob Elliott:

So then you're not getting caught out.

Rob Elliott:

If you can walk on relaxed, if you can walk on going,

Rob Elliott:

I know where the microphone is.

Rob Elliott:

I know where the lights are, or I know where people are

Rob Elliott:

If you're walking into a room, always walk in and be at the front of the room.

Rob Elliott:

So you can see everyone never, ever stand with a glass wall behind you.

Rob Elliott:

You have to be in control.

Rob Elliott:

It doesn't matter if you're terrified, you're shaking, you know, You have to give


Yeah, I agree.


I was thinking that when I've done some competitive speaking before they


And usually the night before, they'll let you go up on the


Or even have a run of what you're going to be presenting.


And I think one of the things that people lack, and I think that does


People are very last minute about things.


And if you're too last minute about it, you are going to be maybe


Like when you're, well-practiced in what you're doing, it's a lot easier to feel


I think.

Rob Elliott:

Oh, yeah.

Rob Elliott:

So true.

Rob Elliott:

There's a trick that I, well, it's not a trick.

Rob Elliott:

It's I suppose you call it that what I say to people, if they are struggling

Rob Elliott:

and tell me about something in you, you do in your life when you are totally

Rob Elliott:

And it could be when they're playing soccer, or it could be when they're

Rob Elliott:

And I said, now think of it.

Rob Elliott:

And they say, yeah.

Rob Elliott:

So when you're about to walk into something that is a stressful situation

Rob Elliott:

Think about that time.

Rob Elliott:

When you know, you are at you're most confident.

Rob Elliott:

And then associate a move with it.

Rob Elliott:

It can be a tap on the, on your, on your leg, tap on the arm, you train

Rob Elliott:

And then you walk in and of course then your, your brain clicks straight away on

Rob Elliott:

And it's, it takes a little practice, but it can make, or break you so quick.

Rob Elliott:

And that instant first impression when you walk in the room, people look at you.

Rob Elliott:

You want them to look at you.

Rob Elliott:

You want to own the room.

Rob Elliott:

It doesn't matter if you've never seen them before.

Rob Elliott:

It doesn't matter.

Rob Elliott:

If you don't know what you're talking about, you walk in the

Rob Elliott:

I'm here.

Rob Elliott:

You announce yourself.

Rob Elliott:

I'm here just by walking in.


What do you think is the essence then of charisma in those situations?


Is it, is it really confidence that gives you that or other other elements.

Rob Elliott:

Confidence in yourself and confidence in what you're talking to.

Rob Elliott:

If you're confident in your way you walk.

Rob Elliott:

I used to take the guys who were working for me when I was a sales manager

Rob Elliott:

And we, you know, you've all been there with the little things around

Rob Elliott:

You must scan this, you must scan that and it'd be trade and they would be lining

Rob Elliott:

And then, and they'd just look at me and say, how do you do that?

Rob Elliott:

I said do what I say.

Rob Elliott:

I'll just walk straight in.

Rob Elliott:

They're not going to pull up.

Rob Elliott:

It's the same.

Rob Elliott:

It's all about confidence and presence.

Rob Elliott:

If you feel confident and you say yourself, I deserve

Rob Elliott:

the next thing to do charisma it's when you be yourself, but

Rob Elliott:

You've got to know what you're talking about.

Rob Elliott:

If you aren't confident in the three or four points about what you're going

Rob Elliott:

people go it'll, it'll come you'll be confident and they'll turn around and go,

Rob Elliott:

And he knows what he's talking about.

Rob Elliott:

Easy as that.

Rob Elliott:

And I mean, it's easy for people like you and I who can speak,

Rob Elliott:

Just takes practice.


It does.


And this is an interesting, an interesting element.


And even, even as someone who is a professional speaker, I say there are


practiced as I'd like to be, or you end up having something a bit more last minute,


And you're sort back to the place that you don't necessarily want to be.


But I do know that.


When you are well-prepared for what you're doing and you've run through


I feel like you're more embodied and more physically remember it,


presentation or something like that, then you don't have to spend your time


That's the point at which you can inject you into it more and deliver with more, I


Personality and emotion and what you're doing.

Rob Elliott:

I mean, people have got to remember mate that the only

Rob Elliott:

The audience doesn't.

Rob Elliott:

So who cares



Rob Elliott:

go for it?

Rob Elliott:

You, you say right.

Rob Elliott:

It's we've all mucked up on stage.

Rob Elliott:

We've all forgotten.

Rob Elliott:

Key things walked off stage and on man, I forgot to say that point, but then

Rob Elliott:

I used to get very upset about it.

Rob Elliott:

And then a professional speaker turned around and said, I

Rob Elliott:

You know, you just let it go


Yeah, I, and ultimately you have to, because this is, this is the thing.


I think a lot of people get stuck in it.


If you do mess up a bit, People get some to, I failed, I've messed it up.


I maybe I shouldn't be doing this or I'm a terrible speaker.


I was like, well, there really is only one way to get better at it.


And that is to keep, keep getting up and doing it.


Keep on with this until you do get better at it because nobody starts


And the, some people are more natural on a stage perhaps than other.


But nobody starts off being great at speaking, there are talents and

Rob Elliott:

You've gotta practice.

Rob Elliott:

If I'm doing a major keynote, I go and find somewhere else to do a speech.

Rob Elliott:

Before you got to get the cobwebs out, you've gotta mark it up.

Rob Elliott:

You got to stuff it up.

Rob Elliott:

And then by the time then you get to the big one.

Rob Elliott:

You've done your practice.

Rob Elliott:

I mean, a footballer doesn't get on the field without practicing and training.

Rob Elliott:

During the week, a public speaker is no different or a person in sales.

Rob Elliott:

Who's doing a presentation.

Rob Elliott:

It's no different.

Rob Elliott:

You've got to practice, you've got to know your stuff.

Rob Elliott:

And then when you walk in, you gotta be willing to rock and


I feel that that is one of these things that people get wrong.


And it's not only public speaking, but this is a place where it happens that


And so if, if you feel that you're not, or if you're terrified of it or you haven't


But again, there's only one way to get it, but people do have this


Because when you see the people who you might look up to say, oh, they're


They present with a real authenticity or real passion and what they're doing,


But you only see the end product.


It's like seeing a band on the stage.


They didn't just get up there without having practice


Hundreds of times, they they've had years of experience.


You're just seeing the end result and it's the same kind of thing in


I feel also that people don't want to put the work in a lot of the time.

Rob Elliott:

Oh, true.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

I, I worked with a lady who was a general manager and one-on-one and in

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

Put her on stage and I counted 28 ums in one minute.

Rob Elliott:

And as a general manager, you can't do that.

Rob Elliott:

And she stood there and rocked and rolled, which is shocking.

Rob Elliott:

And she lost a lot of respect, not big, not because people didn't like her,

Rob Elliott:

And it wasn't long after that, they barred her from speaking.


yeah, she might.




She might be able to get a job as the prime minister of England.

Rob Elliott:

He's a unique individual.


Especially, it's a special case for that one.


But this, this is super important and I think this is an important thing to get.


We also had a chat while back about making a good first impression.


And sometimes when you're yourself, you sometimes have to see yourself,


We can maybe ask a few people, but not, everyone's always going to be honest.


How do you go about making a good first impression in.


Stage situations in any kind of professional situations.

Rob Elliott:

First rule of thumb is we've been given two ears

Rob Elliott:

And that's the first thing you should always do.

Rob Elliott:

Listen twice talk once every single time, if you're known as a good listener,

Rob Elliott:

gonna like you, but some of the people that didn't necessarily like me, we

Rob Elliott:

So you've got a little bit of respect there.

Rob Elliott:

You've got to turn around and say to yourself, well, do I care

Rob Elliott:

No, but is it, my goal to get the sale or do business with them.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

So I'll stand there and I'll listen to him.

Rob Elliott:

I'll acknowledge.

Rob Elliott:

It's an old trick of you prove you repeat back to them, their complaints,

Rob Elliott:

They then think that you're listening to them because it's called validation.

Rob Elliott:

And this is an, and people will make up their mind within

Rob Elliott:

And if they don't like you or not, because most communication is nonverbal.

Rob Elliott:

Well, the time you speak, they've made their mind up, even if

Rob Elliott:

So it comes across.

Rob Elliott:

As some people don't like people walking towards them being,

Rob Elliott:

Some people are the opposite.

Rob Elliott:

They love that.

Rob Elliott:

They see it's confidence.

Rob Elliott:

So you've got to look at the person and see how they act.

Rob Elliott:

And we call it mirroring.

Rob Elliott:

If you see how they act, you act the way they act, you still be yourself.

Rob Elliott:

But if they use a lot of flowery words, you use a lot of flowery words.

Rob Elliott:

If they're short and sharp, you become short and sharp because then

Rob Elliott:

And all of a sudden you'll get some very, very good feedback

Rob Elliott:

And that is a big, first impression.

Rob Elliott:

It is so important, but of, I mean, sometimes we all muck it

Rob Elliott:

So, you know, don't beat yourself up if you do it.

Rob Elliott:

It's a, it's just human.

Rob Elliott:



I think so.


I think rapport skills are always interesting because there's a


Talk about matching and mirroring.


There's a great skills to have, but they come from the thing of, these are the


where things go well, or people who have a strong empathy factor, emotional


And so it's more a case of when that's not happening when you're not making


not empathic that you can manage those things in a more conscious way

Rob Elliott:

You need to take a breath.

Rob Elliott:

They pick it up as much as you do.

Rob Elliott:

It's like trying to ask someone at a pub for a dance or buy them a drink.

Rob Elliott:

They pick it up, you pick it up.

Rob Elliott:

Your gut is much better than.

Rob Elliott:

You've got, we'll tell you if it's working or not, that intuition inside

Rob Elliott:

Sometimes it's better just to catch a losses and walk.

Rob Elliott:

Cause it's just, you're not going to, you just don't waste your time.

Rob Elliott:

If you can't get that, or we find it a lot with engineers, they're very process

Rob Elliott:

It's like a clash of the, it doesn't work.

Rob Elliott:

So you've got to be enough to go well, I might find one of the guys from our

Rob Elliott:

It's a case of being, knowing when to step back and knowing



Rob Elliott:

it happens all the time and it just, you're going

Rob Elliott:

But once you learn very quickly that you're listening with your eyes, as much


I think that that's an important point because if you, I think people


executive or leadership role or you're a business owner where it might, may


But it's great to remember that you don't actually have to be one of the good things


were better at doing some of the other things in your business than you are so


But those are the things to think about, but we always just put this


And I think maybe some of that difference between the growth


The fixed mindset says I have perfect at anything.


And any failures means I'm not perfect.


Whereas growth mindset says any failures means, all right,


Great news.


It's a big difference.

Rob Elliott:

One of the things I used to do is I had a guy that worked for me.

Rob Elliott:

He was very technical.

Rob Elliott:

Couldn't really sell, but very technical.

Rob Elliott:

But if I was going to say customer where they had some people who

Rob Elliott:

You know, good cop, bad cop.

Rob Elliott:

And he would, and he was so good.

Rob Elliott:

He was a lot older than me and he could just jump in and go, did

Rob Elliott:

And that is when you've got to know well, that guy's better than that.

Rob Elliott:

If I start doing it I'll only muck up the technical and the day, our data

Rob Elliott:

And it'll come back.

Rob Elliott:

What you just said was gold.

Rob Elliott:

A lot of people try and do things that they're not.

Rob Elliott:

And then I make a mistake and then they've got to hold themselves

Rob Elliott:

First rule of thumb is if you don't know don't guess so.

Rob Elliott:

No, no, I do not know that, but I'll find out for you or I'll get someone to talk to

Rob Elliott:

All of a sudden you're acknowledging what they're doing.

Rob Elliott:

You're putting your hand up and saying, I'm not going to try and

Rob Elliott:

I don't really know.

Rob Elliott:

And you get respect straight.

Rob Elliott:

You know, it's a big call.

Rob Elliott:

It takes pride and ego gets in the way, especially when

Rob Elliott:

And then you just got to make a few mistakes like I did.

Rob Elliott:

And then you get rid of pride and ego and just you get it doing a lot better.


You ultimately have to, because it is hard to keep track of BS.


If you do too much of it is that you keep, just keep making


Isn't there comes time where you have to, you have to know it, or

Rob Elliott:

Once you tell one lie, you got to keep telling more

Rob Elliott:

You start doing it in your personal life and it could, it.

Rob Elliott:

is fatal.


Yeah, it's a very rapid downward spiral.



Rob Elliott:

It is.


let's say, I wonder if you have any pointers for this, if you're in a


that for that impression that you want to from the start, are there any things

Rob Elliott:

You can turn around and say, well, look what is it?

Rob Elliott:

You want from me today?

Rob Elliott:

How can I help you today?

Rob Elliott:

Never ask a closed question.

Rob Elliott:

A yes or no, ask an open, just cut to the chase, some cultures around the world.

Rob Elliott:

That's how they operate.

Rob Elliott:

And so you've got to know who you're dealing with, but I've turned around

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

We could go back and forth all day about this and that let's just cut to the chase.

Rob Elliott:

How can I help you?

Rob Elliott:

And if they're fair d'incum him and they rule they really, after watching it,

Rob Elliott:

That's all I needed to now come back to you with an offer.



Rob Elliott:

Pull the bandaid off.




And very often people will respect the directness and they'll also


I'm not sure about this person.


Yeah, it's hard.


It's hard to go against that.


And I like that.


And one thing that I come across a lot in some of my coaching


When it comes time to talk about sales.


And this is why I think it's great to talk to sales experts like yourself.


A lot of people struggle with this.


You could be having a great conversation.


You can be really connecting.


You can be having, I don't know, as a coach.


You could be having a discovery call or as we just meeting with


So then it comes time to talk about the sale.


Talk about actually purchasing and the majority of people go to pieces

Rob Elliott:



or they go into this robotic sales mode

Rob Elliott:



I like, oh, I have to sell now.


What's going on there and what can we do to make it better?

Rob Elliott:

If you're starting to get nervous, it means

Rob Elliott:

You haven't answered these questions.

Rob Elliott:

That's your gut turning around and saying, you've marked this up.

Rob Elliott:

If you've answered every one of his or her concerns, and you've said to them,

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

So you just turn around and say, well, how do we move?

Rob Elliott:

Is there anything else I need to explain more, but if you, if you're the opposite

Rob Elliott:

If you do it all right at the start, you don't have to sell.

Rob Elliott:

They're just ready to buy.

Rob Elliott:

And you never mention price.

Rob Elliott:

I mean, price really is so low.

Rob Elliott:

When you look at the metrics of all the reasons people buy.

Rob Elliott:

If someone is just price-driven, they're not worth it.

Rob Elliott:

They're not a good customer.

Rob Elliott:

So you've need to turn around and say, all right, this is where we are.

Rob Elliott:

I've answered all your questions.

Rob Elliott:

Is there anything else I can do for you today?

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

So how do we move forward?

Rob Elliott:

And then let them tell you.




How about if that's a more of a presentation situation where you don't


necessarily have the responsiveness from the person who you're speaking to,

Rob Elliott:

You ask them you're a you're presenting in a room

Rob Elliott:

You should know before you walk in the room.

Rob Elliott:

Who's the decision maker, if not ask.

Rob Elliott:

So who will be making the decision?

Rob Elliott:

All of a sudden you're pulling the power back.

Rob Elliott:

And they'll say so-and-so okay then.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

George, you're making the decision.

Rob Elliott:

When would you like me to call you?

Rob Elliott:

Not, do you want me to call you?

Rob Elliott:

When would you like me to call you?

Rob Elliott:

Or when would you like me to set up a meeting to do the deal, put it on



Rob Elliott:

It's a closing tactic to push them and you'll know by the body

Rob Elliott:

And quite often I've turned around and said to people, I say,

Rob Elliott:

You should know what's going on there.

Rob Elliott:

All, I want you to come back to me, honestly, if we don't

Rob Elliott:

Let me know where we've fallen down and where we can improve, throw it

Rob Elliott:

And, and you know, if they're professionally well-run

Rob Elliott:

If they don't, they're not worth doing.




Those are, those are great answers and definitely important things for


of situation, you need to be able to have that prepared in your mind


Uh, if you're thinking, if I were to think on your feet and figure that


You learn from somebody who's, who's trodden the path before you and,


So I appreciate that.

Rob Elliott:

Look, I don't think there's a mistake I haven't made

Rob Elliott:

I mean, that's the truth, you know, you've got to learn from people

Rob Elliott:

If you haven't stuffed up, you can't teach anybody.




I've done some great ones.


I did delivered a whole sales presentation one time and stood in front of the slide


The whole time I was speaking, it doesn't look good.


That wasn't a good first impression.

Rob Elliott:

You laughed about it later, you know, that's good.


Yeah, thanks.




So did the people I was presenting to, but it w it wasn't




So let me ask you, I think some of the things I love talking about my


I especially love having conversations with people who


And so I want to have a chat with you about why you got into podcasting

Rob Elliott:

I got into podcasting because of COVID.

Rob Elliott:

I used to interview people on.

Rob Elliott:

Interview people at my rotary club interview.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

Love it.

Rob Elliott:

I love walking on stage.

Rob Elliott:

No pre-done questions just rocking.

Rob Elliott:

COVID hit.

Rob Elliott:

And someone said, what are we going to do now?

Rob Elliott:

So I thought I'd start a podcast where I'm just interviewing normal people who have

Rob Elliott:

And I self-taught, I must have watched about 30,000 hours on

Rob Elliott:

And just first four or five were just friends



Rob Elliott:

that were successful business.

Rob Elliott:

People learned how to edit and the whole preferences.

Rob Elliott:

There is some of the best success stories in the world are normal people aren't

Rob Elliott:

And that's the whole preference of the real journeys of success podcast.

Rob Elliott:

Just sharing people's stories.

Rob Elliott:

And there are some amazing people out there who have gone through

Rob Elliott:

they've just kicked goals have not let them be brought

Rob Elliott:

They've lost everything.

Rob Elliott:

They've been bashed.

Rob Elliott:

They've had everything you could possibly do and they turn around and they're

Rob Elliott:

Like you wouldn't believe.

Rob Elliott:

And these stories are just fantastic.

Rob Elliott:

And you know, I I'd say to anyone, if you've got a passion, if you've

Rob Elliott:

I think if you do a podcast on insects for pest control, it doesn't matter.

Rob Elliott:

There is someone out there that wants to know there is someone out

Rob Elliott:

So I say, go for it, make a few errors, get some dud guests as you and I were

Rob Elliott:

It's the best way to communicate with.


Yeah, I think there's a huge opportunities in podcasting at the moment.


And one of the things that I'll say to you is you don't


In fact, I would generally say.


That may not for everyone be the best place to start.


Anyway, start by going on podcasts getting a bit of a feel for a find your feet first


And as you say, you can get to you get to meet, chat and connect with some




You can get started on that without all the effort and energy that goes


Cause there's a lot of work.


I think we should be clear on that.


It's not just, we just show up and do this and that's it job done.


There's a lot that goes into it.


But going and being a guest is a lot easier and a lot easier, although


strategic around that, but it is such a vastly growing industry right now with


I think this is important, right?

Rob Elliott:

My only concern is that all these people I've interviewed

Rob Elliott:

We're all going to turn up in Sydney on the same weekend and it's going to

Rob Elliott:

We can get on a podcast and it doesn't matter, you So, but everything

Rob Elliott:

And just enjoy yourself.

Rob Elliott:

Just be you again, just be you.




And that's an important thing to talk about what you love.


I think it's a, it's not the best idea, especially now.


I think there time where you could go on podcasts and talk about


Things are populating in the market is more people getting


And you really do need to stand out.


And so it's not just knowing what you're to talk about,


I think also there's the thing of bringing that confidence, that


To this as well, because you could go on a hundred podcasts, but if you're not


It's just going to make people think, oh, it's really boring.

Rob Elliott:

Well, You got to have a


but yeah.

Rob Elliott:

If you've got to have something that people want to listen

Rob Elliott:

with a very boring story and you go, I just, you just turn off in the first


Yeah, I'm okay.


If the podcast is designed to put me to sleep, you know, that that would be fine,


And I'm from most people and that that's super important, but you


And that does take a while.


It's a, it's a long game podcasting.


You start doing well with it.


It can do, it can do wonders for your credibility and it does wonders


So what is your book about.

Rob Elliott:

The book's called the sales chain tips tools and an insider's

Rob Elliott:

What it's about, it's the, what you call the ultimate guide to

Rob Elliott:

People can read there's all these high.

Rob Elliott:

What do you call it?

Rob Elliott:

These books where they're very, very complicated, very, very Too hard.

Rob Elliott:

There's no basic book out there for people.

Rob Elliott:

The sales chain look, sales chain came around because people didn't have

Rob Elliott:

All the books that are on the market were all high-end this strategy, that strategy

Rob Elliott:

on the market for someone to learn what niching is, what questioning is, what

Rob Elliott:

So someone said to me, Rob, why don't you just write a book for a guy who's

Rob Elliott:

understand the guys and girls at the end of the corridor every Friday who

Rob Elliott:

And so that's what it came about.

Rob Elliott:

And I've had really, really good uptake.

Rob Elliott:

It's gone all over the world.

Rob Elliott:

They, people can buy it on your Amazons and everywhere like that.

Rob Elliott:

And people just come back to us and said, I love the simplicity of it.

Rob Elliott:

I've got people in it who are venture capitalists from America, a communications

Rob Elliott:

Just talking about sales on this.

Rob Elliott:

it's a lot of fun.

Rob Elliott:

It's a very easy read and hopefully, they all enjoy it.


Yeah, it's interesting to me, how many people tell me they hate


I think maybe I used to, maybe I used to feel that same way, but it


think myself and many people have of that there's the sleazy side to it,


And I think really.


That isn't what works anyway.


people do want relationship and things like that.


It's important to get into that but what does your book approach any

Rob Elliott:

it's also a lot of its stories.

Rob Elliott:

And so, when people read it, it breaks down.

Rob Elliott:

I give a story about something I'm speaking about so they can relate to it.

Rob Elliott:

So they can relax.

Rob Elliott:

People say, I can teach anyone to sell.

Rob Elliott:

You can give someone a process and they can sell, but if they're enjoying

Rob Elliott:

So the book is about teaching people, the basic skills to enjoy

Rob Elliott:

Once you get them to relax, all of a sudden, they sell standing on their head,

Rob Elliott:

They've got to learn questioning techniques or closing.

Rob Elliott:

They've got to learn all that.

Rob Elliott:

And that's what the .Book's all about.

Rob Elliott:

And it's system it's written in everyday language.

Rob Elliott:

It doesn't matter where you are in the world.

Rob Elliott:

You'll understand it.

Rob Elliott:

Very, very normal English.

Rob Elliott:

It's no huge words or people, me trying to be sound as if I'm more intelligent

Rob Elliott:

And then you look at all the successful salespeople in the.

Rob Elliott:

They're all the same.

Rob Elliott:

They're basic points that they keep it simple and it is a simple

Rob Elliott:

See you later or, you know, a no can mean a yes.

Rob Elliott:

In a year's time.

Rob Elliott:

Learning how to listen, gives you more information than anything

Rob Elliott:

You know, it's a, it's just a lot of fun.

Rob Elliott:

I've had a ball writing it.

Rob Elliott:

My next one will be coming out early next year, but everyone I've

Rob Elliott:

They just said, you know, thank gosh, someone's finally written




That's super important.


I think what you just said there ties back to what we were talking about earlier


You can get better at it.


You can improve it.


Maybe the similar assumptions that people make that you just supposed


This is all learnable.


This is all what kind of things that people are terrified that they're


You can learn it.


And I think that's a real epiphany thing of that.


You can have fun with it as well.

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

I mean, anyone can drive a car.

Rob Elliott:

Some people drive cars better than the other, but they can still drive

Rob Elliott:

You can tYou can still teach someone toat.

Rob Elliott:

sale from one side of the country to the other, some are going to be better


yeah, absolutely.


That I, I love that.


So, so the books available reminders, what the book is.

Rob Elliott:

It's called The Sales Chain tips tools and an insider's view

Rob Elliott:

chain.com will tell you where it all is, but your normal Amazon's, Barnes and

Rob Elliott:

The audible will be out next month, so that'll be a bit of fun, but it's

Rob Elliott:

So, yeah, Nice and easy to look at.

Rob Elliott:

And I just say enjoy.


I'm definitely an audio book kind of guy.


I D I do all the audio, so I'll be looking for that and definitely look forward

Rob Elliott:

I've just got to try and find a place that is quiet enough for

Rob Elliott:

I've gone to do it, someone will start the mower or someone will start a noise


My, my recommendation, if you can do it is to find the, find a professional


usually hire out some pretty decent

Rob Elliott:

I think I'll be doing that.

Rob Elliott:

I really








That definitely recommended I know a few people in the UK doesn't really


some people who hire out a smaller studios for specifically these


So, yeah, that would be my recommendation because I'm only saying this because

Rob Elliott:

That's okay.


I want to listen to it.


I want to listen to it.

Rob Elliott:

I send you the link when it's released.


Please do I look forward to it.


Besides your own book?


Because books are really valuable to all of us to be able to learn


Are there any other books that you think sales related or otherwise

Rob Elliott:

a book.

Rob Elliott:

There's a book.

Rob Elliott:

out there by name a guy by the name of Sam Cawthorne who owns the a

Rob Elliott:

Sam was injured in a car accident many years ago now, and he's

Rob Elliott:

And a bung leg, but he's very, very good at teaching people how to speak.

Rob Elliott:

And he's written a book called People Follow People, and

Rob Elliott:

And it's very similar to my book where it's basics of leadership and

Rob Elliott:

And it's an easy read.

Rob Elliott:

And if someone who's first just starting out and starting to go

Rob Elliott:

And he's a great guy, too.

Rob Elliott:

Very, very inspirational Sam, but his book is awesome.


Yeah, I love that.


So another one for me to add to my reading list.


Thank you.


That's a great recommendation.


When it comes to people who may be wanting to find it, I find


What's the best way for them to do that.


Is there a website or social media?

Rob Elliott:

you can, you can drop in robelliot.com.au, but most popular is


I like LinkedIn as well for that kind of thing is pretty cool because

Rob Elliott:


Rob Elliott:

As long as you're not digital marketer, trying to flog me


You know, there's a, there's a lot of that, right?


There's, there's a, there's a lot of that.


It's not the best thing to start off with.


I think in terms of building a relationship with somebody.


When it comes to influence and persuasion, what would you describe

Rob Elliott:

Now, which I didn't have when I first started out, was listening.

Rob Elliott:

I was a terrible listener and I used to what we call, listen to respond.

Rob Elliott:

I already made up what I was going to say to someone.

Rob Elliott:

And they were halfway through talking to me these days.

Rob Elliott:

It's I, listen, I take a breath and then I'll respond with a big smile on my face.

Rob Elliott:

It's very hard for someone to knock you back.

Rob Elliott:

When you're smiling.


I learned that after 12 years of being a flight attendant,

Rob Elliott:



it's good advice.


There's a lot to take away from our conversation today.


if there's one thing I've ever everything else that you hope people

Rob Elliott:

Just be you.

Rob Elliott:

Don't try to be someone you're not be?

Rob Elliott:

true to yourself, just be you and everything else will fall into place.

Rob Elliott:

And that's in life and in business.




Good, good advice for every part of your life.


I would say Rob it has been a real pleasure chatting with you today.


I've got some great stuff to take away from this conversation.


I'm very much looking forward to getting the audio version of

Rob Elliott:

No worries.


I love learning about that.


It's been a delightful chat.


Thank you so much for coming and joining me on the show and we'll

Rob Elliott:

Mate, awesome has been a great opportunity to be in the show.

Rob Elliott:

Love it.


Thanks for tuning in.


I hope you've enjoyed the show.


If you did, please make sure that you are subscribed and consider the price


It means the world to me, and it helps the show to grow.


Let me know what you've learned from the show, what you've


And maybe even who you'd like to see on the show, I'm


Next week, my guest will be Lily Petrescu, who I had a fantastic conversation


you, personal brand business owners to get their books published and to help


She's also looking to help people improve their networking.


She has built up a fantastic network in the UK in particularly in London, which


So I hope you will stay tuned for that.


She is fantastic.


And you are going to enjoy that conversation.


You will definitely love some of the guests I have coming up on Podfluence,


If you haven't seen any of my promo materials coming out for that already,


me on LinkedIn or other social media, because you're going to see plenty more


But the meantime, wherever you're going, whatever you're doing,

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Present Influence
Present Influence
The podcast that helps professional communicators learn the skills that increase influence, impact and authority.

About your host

Profile picture for John Ball

John Ball

From former flight attendant to international coach and trainer, on to podcaster and persuasion expert, it's been quite the journey for John.
John has been a lead coach and trainer with the Harv Eker organisation for over 10 years and is currently focused on helping his clients develop their personal presentation skills for media and speaking stages through his coaching business brand Present Influence.
He's the author of the upcoming book Podfluence: How To Build Professional Authority With Podcasts, and host of the Podfluence podcast with over 150 episodes and over 15,000 downloads John is now focused on helping business coaches and speakers to build a following and grow your lead flow and charisma.
You can now also listen to John on The Coaching Clinic podcast with his good friend and colleague Angie Besignano where they are helping coaches create sustainable and successful businesses, and the Try To Stand Up podcast where John is on a personal and professional mission to become funnier on the stage and in his communication.

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