Episode 170

Are you just kidding yourself? Do you have what it takes to make a business work?

Do you ever wonder if you're just kidding yourself about being in business as a coach, speaker or consultant?

Are you one of the many who talk a good game but don't deliver the goods or one of the people who get stuck in overthinking things to the point of inaction?

Do you have realistic expectations and are they based on the action you're going to take to achieve the outcomes or... are you just kidding yourself?

This week I wanted to try out a somewhat more freeform style of episode, more like a fireside chat. Let me know if you like it or think it was a mess. Next week I'm bringing you my chat with The Queen. No, not Camilla, Christine Ammerman, the Queen of Podcast guesting. Don't miss it.

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John Ball:

Welcome to Podfluence, the show for business coaches and speakers

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who are looking to build influence and authority through podcasting.

John Ball:

In this episode of the show, I wanted to discuss something that I

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hear come up a lot with clients.

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And it comes into a few different issues.

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One of the main ones just being insecurity and things that stop us from being

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able to achieve success in our lives.

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And part of it is that thing of, are you just kidding yourself?

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Can you really make this happen?

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And I think it's reasonable to ask ourselves this question, and I want to

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spend some time examining it because it does come up for people a lot.

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This episode is perhaps, perhaps gonna be a little more free form than

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some of the other episodes that I'm doing, but my aim is gonna be to share

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with you some of my own insights and experience in terms of dealing with

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this thing of, with this insecurity of wondering if we're just kidding

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ourselves about whether we can have any level of success in life or business,

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or if we're just kidding ourselves.

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With that said, if you are not already subscribed to the Podfluence podcast,

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then I invite you to do that Now, if you have your device in your hand, please

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make sure that you open up the player that you're listening to this on, and

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click the plus button if you're on Apple or Spotify or whatever it is, you

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need to press on your device to make sure that you are following the show.

John Ball:

For more episodes with me, by myself, and certainly more so with my amazing guests

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who are coming up on the show very soon.

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In fact, we will be speaking with the Queen of Podcast Guesting very soon, and

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if you wanna find out more about who she is and what she does and the amazing value

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that she shares in her episode, then you do want to make sure you're subscribed.

John Ball:

So, Let's get into this episode of Pod Fluence.

John Ball:

So welcome to the show, and as I said, this is gonna be a little bit more of a

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freeform episode, but I want to really take a look at the whole concept of

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whether we're just kidding ourselves.

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That thing that comes up in our head this part of ourselves, maybe

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our inner saboteur, we could call it.

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That sometimes seems like it's laughing at us, that we don't

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really have what we said we want.

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We're not really as far as far along with things as we expected or hoped to be, and

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we wonder if we're just kidding ourselves.

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If we can ever really have any kind of success, if we're

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ever gonna break through.

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If you're ever gonna be anyone of note as a coach or a speaker or a podcast,

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or whatever it is that you are looking to do, maybe all of these and more.

John Ball:

A quick update on me professionally, , because if you have been listening

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to the show, you'll know that

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for a while I was working with the team at Grow The Show.

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Unfortunately, things just didn't work out there and ended up moving

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on, but I'm now working with the team at the Speaker lab with Grant Baldwin

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and his team, and it is an amazing group of people to be working with.

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Where I get to on a daily basis, fulfill part of my mission of helping people

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to build influence on authority, on the path of becoming professional speakers.

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I'm loving the work.

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I get to do that.

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and thank you to Grant and the team.

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In fact, I was listening to Grant's book, the successful speaker, something I, I

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put it when it came out and decided to re-listen to the audio book just recently.

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And one of the things that came up was an interview at the end of the

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audio book, and I'm not sure if this is in the actual hardback book.

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I haven't checked it.

John Ball:

I should go and take a look.

John Ball:

But, Grant was asked whether he still has any insecurities about his success and

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about, about the longevity of his career and things, and he said very much so.

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Like all the time, still has fears or, you know, still has that imposter syndrome

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still has those insecurities about

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who is he to be doing all of this?

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All this questions come up, but it doesn't stop him from taking action.

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That was very powerful for me to hear that.

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And you know, I've spoken to Grant a few times.

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He's been a guest on this show back in February, 2022,

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you can go and take a listen.

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It was a great chat with him and now I'm working with him.

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It's great.

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But he's such a down to earth person, very natural, very normal.

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And I can understand why we feel like we sometimes have to be these larger than

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live celebrity peop type people with X factor to star quality and all this

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all the time, those things are great to have, but they're not essential.

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We still have plenty of great qualities that we can turn up and

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enhance to get ourselves out there, to be noticed, to be valuable, to be

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interesting to people, and engaging, growing our authority and our status.

John Ball:

But are you just kidding yourself that you can make it happen for you?

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What are the reasons why it wouldn't?

John Ball:

Well, I can think for my, from my own experience, one of the things that has

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caused me to ask myself that question more than any other has been because

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of not taking action of overthinking things, really getting caught up in

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planning and trying to make things perfect before even getting started.

John Ball:

And it's an issue that came up in my last episode with Angela Henderson and, and

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it was great to revisit that and I wrote a little about it in my blog as well.

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If you're not already following Podfluencer Weekly, please do.

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I mean it's free to follow on LinkedIn.

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And you can also follow it Through Convert Kit.

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You'll find the links in the show notes.

John Ball:

And I like to write about this stuff because it's stuff that I've been

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through myself and I don't always want to just talk about my own experience.

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I wanna talk about experiences that clients I have worked with as well.

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Because it's important that we get that it's not just one

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person's perspective on the world.

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These are commonalities that many of us share.

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And we want to make sure that we understand that we can

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move past these things.

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We can grow, we can develop, we can change.

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They don't have to hold us back.

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But I will say this, I've seen people with such great potential, such great

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knowledge who probably do deserve to be really well known for what they do.

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But they're not.

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And the reason why they're not is because they just don't take enough action.

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They don't actually generally have the belief in themselves to be able to get up

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on, on the stage and get past that voice inside of them, the inner saboteur that's

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telling them they're not good enough.

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That's telling them they're not entertaining enough.

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That's telling them that they're not influential enough.

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They don't have the status or, or the following or whatever it is,

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but that voice will come up and it will take you out every single time.

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Someone else who I've worked with a great deal over the years is

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T Harv Eker and Harv calls this mind freak, Mental Friction.

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It's the stuff that comes up when we start trying to do good things in

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our lives and to make things better.

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Your brain starts to throw out all the reasons why you can't do that, why

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it's not for you, and we'll try and take you out of the game if you let it.

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And that really is what this episode is about, how to not let that kind

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of thing take you out the game.

John Ball:

There's an old adage that some of you may have heard.

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I don't like it and I don't necessarily agree with it, but the

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thing of those who can do and those who can't teach is not really true.

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But there is an element to which there's far more value, in my personal opinion,

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in somebody who has experiential knowledge than someone who just has.

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Informational knowledge that just has book knowledge.

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There's a very big difference that when book knowledge meets

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reality, it doesn't always match up.

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And that's not, oh, of course sometimes it does, but quite often it doesn't.

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And, and so people who've been through the experience and know the kind of stuff

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that does actually come up, the challenges that arise in these kinds of situations,

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have a very different understanding in the application of knowledge than

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people who just have the knowledge without the application and experience.

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And that's really what I'm talking about here as well, because we don't know until

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we try and very often we don't really try or we half try because we think we

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probably will fail or we think we're not really good enough so we don't commit.

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We have commit because if we're not fully committed then we

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haven't really lost anything.

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If we don't go all in, then it's not quite so embarrasing.

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It's, oh, I wasn't, I wasn't, you know, if when it fails then and

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I wasn't really all in on it, I wasn't really fully committed to it.

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You have your excuse already to go, but that is probably

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the reason why you did fail.

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The reason why it didn't work out or go as well as you wanted, or another one

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that I've been guilty of as well is that success doesn't happen quick enough.

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The following doesn't build quick enough and take podcasting.

John Ball:

And I, my goodness, if I had known how long it takes to build an

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audience through podcasting or through blogging or things like that, I might

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never have started these things.

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But yet I'm so glad that I did because I get to talk about stuff like this

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and uh, and I do know from people who come on the show and from people who do

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feed back to me from articles and from episodes, value that they've taken away

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and things that they've learned from it.

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So I keep doing it and hopefully keep improving at it as well and worry less

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about what people are thinking about me or, or whether I really am good

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enough, because I would much rather get stuff out there that might just

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inspire someone or make a difference or give them that piece of knowledge

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or understanding that allows them to get to the goals and objectives that

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are looking to be, do, have, or create.

John Ball:

I would say if, if you are one of these people who just talks a good

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game and doesn't really take action or you know, you just want to, I impress

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people and look good, but you don't really care about the substance to

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that, it's gonna be very difficult.

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And you might actually just be kidding yourself.

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If you are one of those people who just goes from project to project, business

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to business, New thing to new thing, which I've been guilty of as well.

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you may be be kidding yourself if you're just not seeing things through,

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if you're really just not prepared to stick with stuff long enough to get to

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a point at which it might have success.

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And what tends to happen for many others, and I, I actually this particularly in,

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in people who do not network marketing kinds of businesses, initial enthusiasm.

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Always fades.

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It just doesn't last.

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It doesn't matter how excited you are about something and how motivated

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you are when it gets started.

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Once the rubber hits the road, life will throw up curve balls, things will happen.

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Unexpected stuff, things you could never have planned for.

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It nearly always takes longer than you think it's going to take, and it gets

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frustrating or the results don't come in

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anything like you were expecting or the responses you get are

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very different to what you were imagining and people get put off.

John Ball:

I'll tell you a story.

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When I, when I very first, when I very first started creating video content,

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back in early days of YouTube, I decided to post up some marketing videos and,

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uh, oh my goodness, it didn't go well.

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And this is in a time where now, now if you post a video on YouTube and you don't

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really have a following or anyone's, no, no one's really gonna pay attention to

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it, you might not get any views at all.

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And, and that's pretty normal now.

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It takes a while to build that following.

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It takes a while to get attention.

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You need the optimization plans and stuff, but in the early days of

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YouTube, you didn't really need that.

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Like if you were posting videos, you were one of a handful of

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people really, who were posting videos and making content there.

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You would get seen, you would get watched, and my videos got watched,

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not necess, I'm not talking hundreds or thousands or anything like that, but

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they got watched and they got criticized.

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In fact, they got pulled apart.

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I personally got rinsed from my videos because they were so bad, they're so

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inauthentic and I couldn't deal with it.

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I couldn't deal with the feedback, the negativity.

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I was just get, trying to get started out trying to do something good, really

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trying to step, put myself in that sort of discomfort zone of doing something

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that I was scared about doing, and the feedback I got was so negative generally

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that it stopped me from doing anything for a couple more years.

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It was a, a good long time before I put anything else out on YouTube.

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I care far less about that stuff now.

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I care far less about that on podcasting as well.

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It's like negative criticism is always gonna come from somewhere and

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some one and if there's something valid there and if there's something

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to take away from that, then great.

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But very often that negativity, that negative criticism is really all about.

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Someone else's negativity, someone else seeing you out there doing your thing and

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thinking, oh, and they may be thinking, I could do it better, but guess what?

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They're not.

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They're not out there doing it better.

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They're just there criticizing you, imagining that they could do a better job.

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And that sucks just tearing other people down because you

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are not where you want to be.

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Look, to be honest, if they, if they were, if, if they were anywhere near

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where they wanted to be, they probably wouldn't be having time to watch your

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stuff on YouTube or where whatever channels they may be watching it on,

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they'd be too busy getting on with it.

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And, They would hopefully be of a mind that they understand that

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a rising tide raises all ships.

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That we should be helping to build each other up, not tear each other down.

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You gain nothing from that.

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You might feel better about it in a moment.

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You might even feel that it gives you that little bit of power to make someone

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feel like crap for, um, however long that might do that, that you might just, you

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know, really hit someone where it hurts and then punch them in the emotions.

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And you might, you might well achieve that cuz a lot of people are very sensitive

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and do take that stuff very personally.

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I certainly used to and don't so much now, but we are not prepared,

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we're not prepared for that.

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To have the mental resilience that we need to have to put ourselves out onto stages.

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Whether that's public speaking stages, virtual stages, podcasts,

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books, um, other online content.

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These are all stages.

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These are all platforms in which we present ourselves.

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And there is a level to which we must accept that if we're gonna do that, if

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we have a message to share, if we have an audience to serve, if we've decided

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that we have a purpose, a mission, a vision for what we want to create, to

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help people to make a difference and to do something positive in the world, then

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that is worth putting yourself in the way of some negative criticism to get that.

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In fact, it's also worth going through the levels of sucking at it, until

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you get good or at least get better, or to get to the point where people

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will be happy to listen to you for a while, or you may even start to get

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noticed for what you're doing or saying.

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It takes time to get there, and most people are not prepared to suck.

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They're not prepared to go through what we call the level of conscious competence

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where you're having to learn all the stuff that makes you better at what you do.

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We do have this ridiculous idea that we're supposed to be naturally good at stuff

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from the start, and it is ridiculous.

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Nobody is born being naturally good.

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Some people do have, dispositions that make things easier for them.

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They maybe have a great level of confidence.

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They may be very attractive people and have a genetic advice of genetic

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advantages, and that's all good.

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But one thing I'll say is

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John Ball:

Will, determination, commitment, persistence, driving forward with this

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will nearly always outdo natural talent, inability in the long run because unless

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the people with their natural gifts do realize and recognize that they need to

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train too, that they need to grow beyond just what they can naturally, easily do.

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And keep that growth going.

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That growth should be a never ending thing for any of us, like we

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should always be looking for ways to keep growing and developing.

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If you don't realize that you will start to regress at some point.

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Natural ability will only get you so far.

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You will be watching other people overtake you at some point, and

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that is not going to be fun.

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So here's the thing.

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Are you just killing yourself or are you serious about this?

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So here's what I'll say.

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If you really want to make a difference, if you have a, a mission and a

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message to share with people, then you have to be prepared to take some

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of the shit that comes along with it.

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And if you're not, if you're too sensitive to that, if you're not really willing, To

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get feedback, to grow from that feedback and to recognize you don't have to be

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good at stuff right from the start.

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It's all about improving.

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If you can't do that, then you are kidding yourself.

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You're not gonna get anywhere.

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You are gonna keep yourself at a level to which you're comfortable,

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and you may talk a great game.

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You may have great ideas, you may have some natural gifts.

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You may have your little group who love what you do, but it's

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never really gonna go beyond that.

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And so, yeah, you would be kidding yourself in that kind of situation.

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If all you ever do is come up with great ideas and spend all your time thinking

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about them, or you have these sort of plans of what you want to be, do, have,

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or create in your life and all you do is go and meditate on it or write about it,

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put it in your journal, or visualize it.

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But nothing ever really happens.

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That's why you are kidding yourself.

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Action is the key, is the secret to all of this, and is the thing that

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will get you past all of those fears and all of the stuff that comes up.

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When your mind frick starts to take you out, you tell

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yourself, I'm gonna, that's okay.

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Oh, one thing

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harv says, thank you for sharing.

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I love that.

John Ball:

Tell your unsupportive mind when it is unsupportive, thank you for sharing.

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You acknowledge it's there.

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You're not trying to suppress it.

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You acknowledge it's there and you accept that that is reality of a thought that's

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come up in your head, but it is just that.

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It's just a thought.

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So thank your mind for sharing and then remind yourself.

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You don't have to listen to that.

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You've acknowledged it.

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It's there, the thought's there, but yeah.

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John Ball:

Thanks for sharing.

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I'm gonna take action anyway.

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And that's the decision we have to make.

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And that's how we start developing some mental resilience because

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it's, uh, it's not just about us.

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And when it becomes about something more than just about us and what we want for

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ourselves or, about us looking good, or us looking cool, it's not about that.

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It's about service.

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It's about who you can help.

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It's about the difference that you can make.

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And if that's what you are about, you will weather whatever comes your way.

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Because it's worth it for the people who you want to serve.

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You will stand in the way of the slings and arrows that people may throw at

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you, at least metaphorically, hopefully not physically, because it's worth it

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to make that difference and to help the people who you want to help to share

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the message that you want to share.

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This is your purpose, and if you are not prepared to put yourself in some

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discomfort, To feel those sometimes horrible feelings of not being very good

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at something or having a presentation not go very well, or a podcast interview

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that you sounded awful on or you said the wrong thing on, or that you feel like

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you looked like a fool in a particular situation, or you wrote an article

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with something that got misinterpreted.

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All that stuff's gonna happen, but it's all part of the process.

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And that's how you get to where you wanna get.

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So if you can push through and keep taking action, then I would say

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that you're not kidding yourself.

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You will get there.

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But accept that the road may be longer than you wish it was, but

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it will all be worth it when you start seeing the results from it.

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And that's it.

John Ball:

That's this episode of Podfluence.

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Really just to share with you that you can do this.

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But get out your head, get out of your mind frick.

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Get out of whatever it is that is allowing you to think that you don't have to

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take the action, or that you can just keep talking about taking action and

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not actually doing it, because that is never going to create real world results.

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And I want you to have real world results.

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I want you to make a difference that this whole podcast is about

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giving you some of the tools and resources to be able to do that.

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And that's why I hope you'll first of all come back and listen to us

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again, especially when I have my interview with Christine Ammerman,

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who's the queen of podcast guesting.

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I'm very much looking forward to bringing that interview for you.

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She shared so much wonderful information and she's such a nice person as well.

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Hope you'll come back and join me for that.

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I hope this episode has been some value for you as well and I will appreciate

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any feedback on what you think of this

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somewhat more free form style of the show, right?

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I knew what I wanted to talk about.

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I knew I had something to share today and I just wanted to try this out.

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Did it work?

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Did it not?

John Ball:

I'd love to hear from you.

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I'm ready for that feedback and I'm ready to take those chances

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that what I put out in this episode may not be to the quality that you

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expect from Podfluence or from me.

John Ball:

Or it might be, ah, we'd like a bit more of this.

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We'd like to hear a bit more I wanna hear you talking directly to me.

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You want to hear you.

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want to have that, that conversation as if I was there to join in with

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you, cuz I love this and, uh, I would love to do more of it.

John Ball:

So lemme know what you think.

John Ball:

Join us again next time for Podfluence and I will very much look forward

John Ball:

, to connecting with you there.

John Ball:

Wherever you're going, wherever you're doing, have an amazing rest of your day.

About the Podcast

Show artwork for Present Influence
Present Influence
The podcast that helps professional communicators learn the skills that increase influence, impact and authority.

About your host

Profile picture for John Ball

John Ball

From former flight attendant to international coach and trainer, on to podcaster and persuasion expert, it's been quite the journey for John.
John has been a lead coach and trainer with the Harv Eker organisation for over 10 years and is currently focused on helping his clients develop their personal presentation skills for media and speaking stages through his coaching business brand Present Influence.
He's the author of the upcoming book Podfluence: How To Build Professional Authority With Podcasts, and host of the Podfluence podcast with over 150 episodes and over 15,000 downloads John is now focused on helping business coaches and speakers to build a following and grow your lead flow and charisma.
You can now also listen to John on The Coaching Clinic podcast with his good friend and colleague Angie Besignano where they are helping coaches create sustainable and successful businesses, and the Try To Stand Up podcast where John is on a personal and professional mission to become funnier on the stage and in his communication.

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